T5W: Most Disappointing Reads of 2018

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Samantha on Goodreads and it’s opened to all book reviewers. This week’s topic is a freebie, and that means that I am free to do whatever I want to. And I want to complain!

I know that this is something new on my blog and it’s completely out of my comfort zone, but I am really hoping you are going to enjoy these new segments. I am trying to make this site feel more personal and interactive. Let’s see how well it’s going to go! (And if it’s not going to go well, let’s just… forget it ever happened)

The books I chose are not necessarily bad. But most of them were so hyped that I just simply expected more from them. And I am aware that some of those books are well-loved by many, so I feel obligated to write a disclaimer. Nothing in this post is a personal attack on people who liked these books. On the contrary! I am really happy that there are people who got a lot of enjoyment out of these reads. I just simply wasn’t one of them. I am more than happy to discuss them with you, but please, stay kind.

The Cruel Prince – Holly Black


I say we should start things strong, with one of the biggest releases of 2018. This book was everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. And since it was so incredibly hyped and I have a lot of love in my heart for fae novels, I bought it immediately. And dear god I was pretty mad at myself for doing that. It had absolutely no likeable characters and when I can’t connect to the characters I really can’t bring myself to care about the story. And the plot was pretty mediocre, too. The last 100-150 pages were really, really good, but getting there was kind of painful. But I had the biggest problem with the romance. I mean come on! I love a good enemies to lovers trope, but not like this! A grown ass man torturing a girl because he likes her? Because he’s jealous of her? What? I think that Cardan did waaay too much fucked up shit to be redeemed by that weak ass excuse. (I still gave this book like 2,5-3 stars though, because the ending was dope. And I liked Vivi)

Ready Player One – Ernest Cline


So I DNFed this book. But it made me SO MAD that I just had to throw it in here. First of all it was very poorly written. The author shows an absolute lack of talent in writing and instead of actually exerting himself a little trying to describe something, he uses obscure 80’s references. And I get it. That’s this book’s thing. It has a lot of references (and I mean A LOT). But when author, instead of describing a scene to me, tells me something like “oh, it looks like a cover of Dungeons & Dragons from a year 198-whatever (I am sorry, I can’t be bothered to pick up this book to actually check this quote)” I am just baffled. AM I REALLY REQUIRED TO KNOW THAT? DO YOU REALLY EXPECT EVERY SINGLE PERSON READING YOUR BOOK TO JUST KNOW WHAT THAT COVER LOOKS LIKE? WHAT? And I am not even going to talk about the fact that this plot doesn’t even make sense. Or the sexism. To me it’s just nothing more than nostalgia porn with absolutely no substance.

A Court of Frost and Starlight – Sarah J. Maas

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There is a little, tiny spoiler here, so if you haven’t read ACOFAS yet and you really want to – skip this part.

This definitely was the most disappointing book of 2018 for me. That’s because ACOMAF is one of the most important books in my life, and I love ACOTAR series with all of my heart. But that just ain’t it, chief.
First of all, this book was completely pointless and unnecessary. It didn’t bring anything of value to this series. More than that – the characters felt very weird and completly unlike themselves. Rhys was, quite frankly, a complete dick. And this whole thing with Feyre suddenly wanting kids? I say that’s only because Sarah was pregnant while writing this novella. In ACOMAF they have a WHOLE CONVERSATION about wanting to wait with starting a family. About wanting to live first. And a couple of months later she suddenly changes her mind? No! Nuh-uh! I don’t like it! It feels totally unprofessional to change your characters so much, only so they could mirror what is happening in your life.
Also, I really don’t like Nesta. Never have, never will. But I feel like Sarah went a little bit too far with her arc, too. And if the next series set in this world is really going to be about Nessian, there is no way I am going to read it. I can’t stand that girl.

The Fate of the Tearling – Erika Johansen


The Queen of the Tearling is a fantastic series. It starts out as a classical fantasy about a girl who suddenly has to take the throne and save her kingdom (and I love that). But it quickly turns into something much, much more. It’s definitely one of the most unique fantasy series out there. That said, I feel incredibly resentful towards this book. It feels like a misunderstanding. And that’s because the ending of this book completely ruins the entire trilogy. It makes everything that happened seem irrelevant and unimportant. It feels like the author piled up too much shit on the characters and didn’t know how to get out of it, so she simply took the easiest way she could thing of. And destroyed the series.

Children of Blood and Bone – Tomi Adeyemi


I am really sorry for this one. It’s a good book! Really! It’s fun. But it’s not great. I like what this book tried to accomplish, but I think it failed. It just felt like a mashup of every single YA book I have ever read. There was nothing original about it. But I really enjoyed the ending! And I feel hopeful that I am going to enjoy the sequel more.


Have you read any of these books? Did you enjoy them? What was your most disappointing book of 2018? 

37 thoughts on “T5W: Most Disappointing Reads of 2018

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  1. I’m actually reading “Ready Player One” right now, and while I kind of agree that it is nostalgia porn, I do enjoy the fantasy of the OASIS, and that it plays around with how much we depend on make-believe to survive reality. It certainly caters more to those who grew up in the 80’s, but it does make me a little more curious about the references–not wildly curious, but still intrigued.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was incredibly annoyed by the romance, because I really thought that Amani and Zelie will be together, because I got some major gay vibes from them.
      I actually had quite a few issues with this book, but it’s a very important novel and I am really glad that it was so successful. It just simply wasn’t for me. Or for you, haha 😄❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh man, I agree with you on all of these that I’ve read. In particular…

    The Fate of the Tearling has to be the single most disappointing book I have ever read, precisely because that ending so completely wrecks the entire series. I was awestruck at how it rendered irrelevant EVERYTHING that had happened before in the series.

    I actually finished Ready Player One, and regretted it. I had actually read Armada (same author) first, which was a little better, but still had most of the same underlying problems that RPO had (i.e., still too much nostalgia and stereotypical gamer dude fantasy).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. RIGHT? TFotT is a really unique book, because I am pretty sure I never saw an author show so much… disrespect or disregard for their own story. Their own characters and everything they went through. I felt really angry after finishing it, especially because the build up was so damn good and intense. I read it almost a year ago now and I am still angry.

      And I am already so tired of RPO. Plus the movie wasn’t much better. I haven’t heard about Armada, but there is no way in hell I am going to read that.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. *Does happy dance* Yay! Someone else who feels the same way about the Cruel Prince! Literally every man and his dog raved about it. The hype was real. I just couldn’t get on board with all the backstabbing, bitchiness, and abuse. I’m still convinced I didn’t read the same book as everyone else did so I’m considering giving it a second chance this year because all my friends are yet again raving about the Wicked King. Just not my cup of tea.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yaaay! High five!
      I agree, this book left me feeling all kinds of confused. And I used to be really scared of saying I didn’t like this book online because it has a lot of hardcore fans. But I just couldn’t hold it in any longer, hahah.
      I am planning on reading The Wicked King, because I think that the ending of TCP was actually good, so I see the hope for TWK to be semi-decent as well. But I feel like the romance is extremaly off-putting.

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      1. Agreed – the last 75% of The Cruel Prince actually had me on the edge of my seat. That and the fact that I feel I owe it to my bank account to give it another go. The romance is so problematic though! I mean, so many people give me a hard time for loving Twilight but how is the portrayal of love any different in The Cruel Prince? It’s actually borderline abusive. I’m kinda hoping the Wicked King will change my mind.

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        1. I don’t think it’s borderline abusive. It IS abusive. And in my opinion it’s irredeemable.
          To be honest I jumped on this hating on Twilight bandwagon when it was cool to do so. For no good reason, because when I read these books I actually loved them. They were the first books in my life that had such a strong focus on romance and it was such a new thing for me. Now, all I can say is that Twilight was an incredibly important series and YA literature wouldnt be what it is today if that book never came out.

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          1. Twilight is hands down my number one guilty pleasure and that’s solely based on the fact that when I was a teen it was practically my life! Going through that awkward phase, those books opened the door to YA reading for me, sparking that long time passion for all things literature. For that they’ll always hold a place on my favorites shelf. Even if now I can see some serious flaws and problems. I mean, even though he was my first book boyfriend, Edward was a stalker. Talk about a red flag haha 🙂

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          2. Yeah, this guy had a lot of issues hahah. But yeah, it’s the same for me. I think it’s not the best book for younger audience, who may struggle with identifying dangerous behaviours. And I probably shouldn’t read it when I was like 10 or 11. But I have been toying with the idea of rereading this series for a while now. Edward was my first book boyfriend as well, so I feel like I kind of owe him a visit haha.

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  4. I stopped reading the Tearling books after the first one, but I heard the ending ruined it completely! And I completely agree with you about The Cruel Prince… I found the first one readable but when it came to the second one, I realised during the break between books I’d stopped caring about any of it… and the second book then bored me completely

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The second Tearling book is actually amazing – it changes this whole story completely. It turns it from classical fantasy filled with tropes into something incredibly unique. I loved the second book. But yeah. The ending of this trilogy completely destroyed it.
      Omg I want to read TWK, because I want to give this series a second chance, but you saying that it bored you makes me even more hesitant to do it 🙈


      1. It was just irredeemable misery from start to finish, and if anything the characters became even more unlikeable… but then everyone else loved it as far as I can see! So hey, maybe I’m wrong! I’m going to wait till the whole series is finished and then try it again…

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  5. okay i FEEL you on acofas, it was so unnecessary and lackluster for me, honestly i know sjm can do better and this just felt REALLY flat
    omg i was just looking at the fate of the tearing from the library and now youre making me rethink it. sorry these books didnt work out for youuuu

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love finishing series, but in this case I honestly think that it’s better to skip this book. Or at least read only like 2/3 and then switch to a good fanfiction 😂 The ending was TERRIBLE.
      And yeah, I am sorry too 😂 I really wanted to love these books.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m totally the target demographic for “Ready Player One” and I still didn’t like it. Way too many 80s references masquerading as a plot. However, I quite liked the movie version, so score another one for Spielberg making big improvements to mediocre books (*cough* “Jaws” *cough*)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I thought I was the only person who was totally disappointed by The Cruel Prince, and my unpopular opinion was made even worse with the release of The Wicked King and all my friends going mad crazy about it… and I’m over here like 😳. Umm no thanks! Lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahah, yeah a lot of people seem to love it. It’s a shame that we couldn’t get the same level of enjoyment out of it. I am thinking about giving this series a second chance and reading The Wicked Kind but I am not sure 🙈


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